Shu Jin Lu
Spray to cool and relax overexerted, strained muscles and joints associated with backache, sports, arthritis, minor injury.
Ingredients: Camphor 5.5 %, Menthol 5.5 %. Inactively: bicolor artocarpus (Artocarpus styracifolius Pierre) root, cinnamon twigs, dimethyl sulfoxide, futokadsura [Kadsura heterocita (Roxb.) Craib] stem, fragrant angelica root, gleditsia (Gleditsia sinensis Lam.) fruit, hen’s eyes (Ardisia crenata Sims.) Root, Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum Siebold & Zucc.) root, methyl salicylate, moghania (Moghania philippinensis Merr. & Rolfe) root, securidaca (Securidaca inappendiculata Hassk.) herb, sheep’s ear [(Inula cappa Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) DC.] herb, St. Thomas bean [Entada phaseoloides (L.) Merr.] Stem, swallowwort [Cynanchum paniculatum (Bge.) Kitag.] root and rhizome, Vietnamese sophora (Sophora subprostrata Chun & T.C. Chen) root, wild pepper [Piper wallichii (Miq.) Hand.-Mazz.] twigs and leaves, and zedoary rhizome. Made by Yulin, China.
Directions for Use: Apply externally to afflicted area when no open wound exists.
Contents: 2.0 fl oz. 60 ml.
- Brand: Guangxi Yulin, China
- Out Of Stock
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