Reproductive & Urinary Health
Bu Tiao Formula or Bu Xue Tiao Jing Tang, Decoction of
Nourish Blood, Adjust Period Decoction. Treats cold and blood stagnation in the uterus with deficient kidney qi and yang, deficient qi and blood with bleeding due to deficient qi. Useful for amenorrhe..
Butiao Tablets
The Nourish Blood, Adjust Period Tablet. Regulates irregular periods, dissolving cramps or excessive uterine bleeding due to deficient and stagnant blood. Will nourish and activate blood, inhibit blee..
Cheng Yun Wan, Infertility Pills
Reinforces yang and kidney function, enriching essence, nourishing qi and tonifying blood to support, ovaries, uterus, genital systems to treat male and female sterility. Ingredients: Radix angelic..
Cheng Zi Wan
Treats infertility in women, regulating menstrual cycle and toning the uterus to conceive. Ingredients: Epimedium Herb, Golden Eye-grass Root and Stem, Sichuan Teasel Root, Mulberry Mistletoe..
Chien Chin Chih Tai Wan
"Thousand Pieces of Gold Stop Leukorrhea Pill." Combined detoxification and astringent for leukorrhea (vaginal discharge), trichomonas and vaginal infections with lower backache, fatigue, abdominal di..
China Tong Jing Wan (High Potency)
Nourishes yin to regulate difficult, irregular, overdue, scant menstruation with sore limbs and back. Ingredients: Flos carthami 10%, radix angelicae sinensis 10%, radix paeonia rubra 20%, radix sa..
Cong Rong Bu Shen Wan or Macrovirex Extract
Invigorates liver, kidneys. Strengthens yang. Particularly beneficial for male impotence, sterility due to deficient kidney yang with lassitude, cold pain in loins and knees, flaccidity of extremities..
Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San or Bupleurum & Peony Formula, Decoction of
Treats premenstrual syndrome with liver heat. Use for stagnant liver qi and blood with liver heat, deficient liver blood, disharmony of liver and spleen, deficient spleen qi. Symptoms may include..
Dandelion Combo
Antibacterial to reduce inflammation, clear heat and resolve pain in urinary system infection, urethra stinging, colpitis, urethritis, scrofula, etc. Ingredients: Twotooth Achyranthes root, indian ..
Dang Gui Su
Nourishes and invigorates blood to help regulate menstruation. Useful for irregularity, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, post partum abdominal pain, pain from blood stasis. Ingredients: Dong-Quai Root or ..
Femex Extract or Yu Dai Wan
Clears damp heat in the uterus and kidneys, tonifying blood and yin, astringing damp discharge. Beneficial for deficient blood symptoms with irregular menstruation, damp-heat vaginal discharge, dark a..
Five Herbs Decoction or Wu Pi Yin
Regulates qi and tonifies spleen to promote urination and remove damp swelling. Beneficial and natural diuretic for relief from water retention due to spleen deficiency. Treats variety of stagnant swe..
Fu Ke Zhong Zi Wan or Rehmannia Glutinosa Compound Pills
Nourishes and invigorates blood while warming the uterus and cooling the liver. Especially beneficial for infertility, amenorrhea, threatened miscarriage. Relieves menstrual cramping with cold feet an..
Fuke Yueyuehong
Nourishes and invigorates stagnant blood, warming uterus. Promotes healthy regular rhythmic menstruation. Ingredients: Chinese rhubarb root (da huang), safflower (hong hua), red-rooted sage root (d..
Geng Nian Le
Menopause Support. Relieves symptoms associated with menopause including eurasthenia, dizziness, headaches, spontaneous sweating, discomfort during sex, vaginal infection, palpitation of the heart, me..
Ginseng Formula Bai Feng Wan
Nourishes blood and qi, alleviating congested liver qi, invigorating blood to dispel stagnation. Use for menstrual disorders contributed to deficient yin, symptomized by cramps, headache, amenorr..
Golden 50 Menopause Supplement
It is believed that in the golden age (typical age stage: 50-75), women achieve freedom and can fully delve in creativity. Golden 50 supplements the body's natural defenses during and after menopause ..
Gusao Pill
Supports fluid and regular menstruation, removing blood stasis and warming ovaries. Appropriate for use by women of all ages. Directions for Use: Take 1 pill with warm water twice daily while menst..
Hai Ma Jian Shen Wan
For use as male tonic with kidney yin and yang deficiency. Improves yin essential fluids while supporting yang essential fire. Beneficial for lowered sex drive, lowered sperm count, restless..
Her Maintenance or Nuan Gong Yuan Zi Wan
Possibly not a coincidence. Infertility has been overcome by warming the uterus to conceive. This formula works to boost progesterone and blood and kidney qi. Use for sterility, delayed menstrual cycl..