A formula based on musk and essential herbs work to penetrate and warm the sorest most strained of muscles and joints. Use for relief of aches and pains related to rheumatism, arthralgia, lumbago, neu..
Classical prescription for dispersing external wind-cold symptoms with pain. Use for colds characterized by sudden headache, nasal congestion, sinusitis, rhinitis and wind-vertigo. Take with strong gr..
Strengthens qi and yang, tonifying kidney and liver to fortify marrow, tendon and bone while clearing any damp to relieve pain. Specific for vertebral calcification following injury or in spontaneous ..
Clears toxic heat and fire in liver, heart and stomach channels marked by congestion. Use for fever, inflamed throat or gums, red irritated eyes, ear ache, swelling, delerium, toothache, headache, diz..
Dissolves blood stagnation to disperse pain from the heart, clearing the blood vessels. Treats angina pectoris with pain that radiates down the left arm, heart palpitations, chest pains. Reduces blood..
Relieves pain and inflammation from new and long standing hemorrhoids, internal and external. Six herbs are combined in this formula to moisten intestines, remove nodes, eliminate lumps, reduce swelli..
"Thousand Pieces of Gold Stop Leukorrhea Pill." Combined detoxification and astringent for leukorrhea (vaginal discharge), trichomonas and vaginal infections with lower backache, fatigue, abdominal di..
Or Qian Lie Xian Wan. Disperses blood stagnation to reduce inflammation, clear toxic pus, reducing damp heat in lower burner while tonifying and invigorating blood. Use for chronic and acute prostate ..
Promotes circulation of blood and qi, cooling heat, ending pain while triggering tissue growth. Widely used as topical ointment for first to third degree burns with blistering, redness and pain. ..
The Heal Leukorrhea Pill. Classical formula to clear damp heat in uterus and kidneys to tonify blood and yin, astringe damp discharge. Use for damp heat vaginal discharge with dark and odorous leukorr..
Or Great Tonify Yin Pill. Classical formula for severe deficient kidney yin with fire symptoms including night sweats, hot flashes, feverish palms or soles, restless insomnia, burning kidneys. Useful ..
For hemorrhoids due to blood stagnation and heat. Promotes blood circulation to relieve swelling, dispel heat, stop pain for anal health.
Ingredients: Meretrix Clam Shell (Wen-Ko), Pomegranate Frui..