Free and Relaxed Pills. Use to nourish liver blood and yin, to invigorate congested liver qi, strengthening spleen, harmonizing liver with stomach spleen. Formulated to relieve stagnant liver qi due t..
Nourish stomach in cases of deficient stomach or spleen qi with cold and consistent phlegm damp in middle burner. Treats accumulated phlegm damp with food stagnation accompanied by nausea, vomiting, f..
A combination of Four Gentlemen or Si Jun Zi Tang and Four Substance or Si Wu Tang. Tonifies qi and nourishes blood. For use as women's general tonic when experiencing fatigue, dizziness, heart palpit..
General qi tonic for blood, ying and wei qi. Beneficial for general debility, fatigue, poor digestion due to spleen and stomach deficiency, blood deficiency. Strengthens immune system.
Astragalus, Ganoderma Powder for immune deficiency due to deficiency of: spleen qi, wei qi, lung qi, lung yin, heart qi, heart yin with symptoms such as dry cough, post fever fatigue, post partum fati..
Use as general tonic for age and debility, especially with weakened heart qi, deficient spleen qi, lung qi, heart yang, heart blood, and liver blood with disturbed shen, dysharmony of heart and kidney..