Treats coughs due to lung and liver heat with prevailing sticky yellow phlegm, dry raspy cough, sore throat, fever, concentrated urine and constipation. Beneficial also for toothaches, mouth sores, bl..
Use daily to strengthen lung and kidney functions leading to respiratory health. Particularly beneficial for symptoms related to asthma, bronchitis, hepatitis B, hepatic cirrhosis, hyperlipidemia (hig..
Dissolves phlegm and spleen damp, restoring central harmony. For excessive phlegm and congestion in the stomach, lungs or face as well as for food retention with symptoms that include nausea and fulln..
Relief for chronic acute cough due to exogeneous wind invasion, weak lung qi, deficient lung yin with heat and sticky phlegm. Allays cough and resolves phlegm for relief from emphysema, asthma and lab..
Chuan Bei Jing Tang Yi Pian. Dispels phlegm filled coughs due to heat or damp. Calms airways and lungs to pacify the most aggravated of breathing. Benefits bronchial asthma.
Ingredients, ..
Tonifies kidneys to relieve inflammation, arrhythmia. Use to regulate premature heart beating, nephritis, renal insufficiency. May be used to add nutrition and taste to lean meat stews.
Fruit within hard thin shell is partly dry, flexible, containing juice and seeds. The skin, juicy part, and seeds taste pleasantly sweet. Use to relieve sunstroke, moisten the lungs, eliminate phlegm,..
Clears sinus congestion, earache, rhinitis, sinus headache, snoring, thick nasal discharge from wind cold invasion to lung, from lung phlegm heat or damp with heat in lung, large intestine and st..
Clears heat to detoxify, removing heat from lungs. Use to ameliorate symptoms from virus and influenza conditions where lung heat, high fever, aversion to cold, muscular soreness, rhinostegnosis,..
Proprietary blend of herbs works to support respiratory health, abating symptoms related to lung heat. No artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, caffine or yeast.
Ingredients: Seep one tea bag ..