Treats coughs due to lung and liver heat with prevailing sticky yellow phlegm, dry raspy cough, sore throat, fever, concentrated urine and constipation. Beneficial also for toothaches, mouth sores, bl..
Dissolves phlegm and spleen damp, restoring central harmony. For excessive phlegm and congestion in the stomach, lungs or face as well as for food retention with symptoms that include nausea and fulln..
Chuan Bei Jing Tang Yi Pian. Dispels phlegm filled coughs due to heat or damp. Calms airways and lungs to pacify the most aggravated of breathing. Benefits bronchial asthma.
Ingredients, ..
The Stop Cough, Calm Asthma Pill. Sedates lung heat, resolving phlegm heat to dispel wind, abate cough, open air passages, facilitate breathing. Beneficial for acute or chronic cough with difficult br..