Tonifies qi to uplift kidney yin and yang while strengthening the organs. Recommended as a spleen and kidney tonic for regular use, particularly for the aged or following childbirth or sickness.
Nourishes and invigorates blood while warming the uterus and cooling the liver. Especially beneficial for infertility, amenorrhea, threatened miscarriage. Relieves menstrual cramping with cold feet an..
Tonifies, warms and invigorates blood, nourishing liver and kidneys for great eyes and tendons. Use for depletion from sexual excess, childbirth or illness. Strengthens the bones and tendons in cases ..
Nourishes liver blood while tonifying kidneys to revitalize kidney qi and kidney jing. Addresses chronic deficiencies of liver blood and sedates liver fire showing up as menstruation irregularities, h..
Angelica Dang Gui Syrup or Dang Gui Gin Gao liquid tonic improves blood quality over time. Use to nurture and invigorate blood while tonifying spleen qi and improving the overall quality of blood. Par..
Nourishes blood and qi, alleviating congested liver qi, invigorating blood to dispel stagnation. Use for menstrual disorders contributed to deficient yin, symptomized by cramps, headache, amenorr..
The Nourish Blood, Adjust Period Tablet. Regulates irregular periods, dissolving cramps or excessive uterine bleeding due to deficient and stagnant blood. Will nourish and activate blood, inhibit blee..
"Thousand Pieces of Gold Stop Leukorrhea Pill." Combined detoxification and astringent for leukorrhea (vaginal discharge), trichomonas and vaginal infections with lower backache, fatigue, abdominal di..
Tonifies blood, invigorating liver qi, building sperm and jing (the essence of procreation, the basis of strong or weak constitutions, a congenital qi which is stored in the kidneys and circulates in ..
The Heal Leukorrhea Pill. Classical formula to clear damp heat in uterus and kidneys to tonify blood and yin, astringe damp discharge. Use for damp heat vaginal discharge with dark and odorous leukorr..
Nourishes and invigorates blood to help regulate menstruation. Useful for irregularity, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, post partum abdominal pain, pain from blood stasis.
Ingredients: Dong-Quai Root or ..
Promotes and regulates menstruation. Tonifies and invigorates blood, regulating liver, alleviating pain. Use for stagnation of blood with symptoms including palpitations, insomnia, dizziness, blurred ..